Letter: Trump tried to overthrow Constitution


We saw with our very own eyes and heard with our own ears, thanks to modern media the following: Trump’s election night claim that he had won the 2020 election – “Frankly we won.”

The public, constitutional, authoritative certification by the Electoral College of President Biden’s election victory, after Trump lost 60 court cases for lack of evidence of irregularities.

Trump urging a crowd on January 6, 2021 to “fight like hell and take our country back.”

Trump’s public demands that Vice President Pence illegally overturn the 2020 election.

Trump’s illegal demands of Georgia election officials to find thousands of more votes.

The televised testimony from Trump appointees before the January 6th Committee that Trump repeatedly tried to overturn the election with fake electors and other illegal un-constitutional plots.

In short, Trump repeatedly and openly tried to destroy our Constitution and violate our laws.

Americans should be disappointed that our current Attorney General, Supreme Court, Special Counsel and the legal system have not yet successfully prosecuted most of Trump’s un-constitutional and illegal actions. But we saw them with our own eyes, and we do not really need the legal system for proof of guilt. We saw it and heard it ourselves.

A total of 145 insurrectionist congressmen and senators voted on January 7, 2021, even after the mob’s insurrection, to overthrow the same election that elected them. Now we still have scores of elected Republicans officials ignoring or denying these well-established public facts and seeking again Trump’s re-election and their own. Cognitive dissonance is the rejection of verifiable facts and objective empirical reality. We are eyewitnesses to the facts. Are we a country of the blind and the deaf? If so, we do not deserve our democracy.

David S. Sullivan

Oak Harbor