Letter: Trump’s bad decisions hurt the nation


Why is Trump in such a hurry? Firing people before he knows how crucial their work is i.e. nuclear workers who now, he cannot get back! He does not know what he is doing and worse doesn’t seem to care. He just wants power unmitigated power, even though he does not know what to do with it, except destroy.

The people around him are giving him disastrous advice then letting him run with it to do the damage. He is not capable of making good decisions, so the country and the world will be the recipient of these bad actions. This is what happens when people vote by party only and don’t take into account the person (Trump), ask questions like is he capable, does he know history or more important does he even care about the people!

He is is cutting services, cutting consumer protection agencies, wants to create the impressions that they are doing something, when all they are doing is weakening the agencies that protect us. His ”people” are going into Social Security and the IRS into our personal data, where they have no business being doing who knows what. Congress needs to get involved to stop them. People are marching all over the country, wanting this to stop! Now wanting to give Russia everything they want.

Have we learned no lessons from the past years? We don’t gain strength by showing weakness. When it’s Russia that’s exactly what Trump is doing. Is he sending us toward another world war!? I pray not.

Nancy Mayer
