Lions serve in Coupeville

Coupeville Lions Club 109 membership performed the Lion Club motto “We Serve” with the financial support of the local community during the 2006-2007 fiscal year.

Coupeville Lions Club fund-raising activities generated $74,647. Our three largest events, 27th annual garage sale, scholarship auction and swim program, raised $55,316.

Some of these funds were distributed for the 46th year to student scholarships, second year to Coupeville Boys and Girls Club, and 50th year to our sponsored Boy Scout Troop 58. Other donations went to Island County Historical Society, Historical Block House, Central Whidbey Co-op Preschool, local food banks, Coupeville Water Festival, Camp Horizon, Northwest Sight and Hearing Foundation, Friends of the Coupeville Library, and upgrade of Coupeville Town Park electrical system. The 49-year swim program was supported with these funds.

Coupeville Lions Club members have volunteered 10,647 hours during 2006-2007 for fund-raising activities, Meals on Wheels, wood for local low-income families, testing 400-plus kindergarten, elementary and middle school students, swim program, USDA Commodities distribution, and other local activities.

We serve.

Karen C. Fletcher

Coupeville Lions