Many helped Whidbey read

Another successful Whidbey Reads has come and gone. Sponsored by Sno-Isle Libraries, Whidbey Reads is an annual event designed to bring people together to read and talk about books. The program culminates with the personal appearance of the featured author.

Another successful Whidbey Reads has come and gone. Sponsored by Sno-Isle Libraries, Whidbey Reads is an annual event designed to bring people together to read and talk about books. The program culminates with the personal appearance of the featured author.

The Whidbey Reads 2010 book selection was “All Roads Lead Me Back to You” by Kennedy Foster. Ms. Foster was on Whidbey Island April 26 through 29 and appeared at evening events at the Oak Harbor Yacht Club and the Unitarian Universalist Church in Freeland. Both programs were free and open to the public. Ms. Foster also spoke with students at Oak Harbor and South Whidbey high schools and at the Skagit Valley College Oak Harbor Campus.

Whidbey Reads would not be possible without the efforts of a combined committee of community volunteers and Sno-Isle staff members, or without the business community.

We wish to thank Whidbey Telecom, Whidbey Island Bank, the Oak Harbor Walmart, All-Island Book Group, and the Friends of the Whidbey Island Libraries who, along with a grant from Humanities Washington, provided funding for Whidbey Reads 2010. Additional support was provided by Best Western Oak Harbor Plaza, Langley Motel, Oak Harbor Safeway, Honeymoon Bay Coffee, Moonraker and Wind and Tide bookstores, Sno-Isle Libraries Foundation, as well as the Oak Harbor Yacht Club and the Unitarian Universalist Congregation.

We invite more Whidbey Islanders to take an active part in the annual Whidbey Reads events. Anyone interested in participating as a committee member or program supporter, please contact your local Sno-Isle library.

Lorraine Kirker, chairman

Whidbey Reads 2010