Maybe letter writer should join staff | Letter

Editor, After reading Maryon Attwood’s latest letter to the Whidbey News-Times, I thought that maybe Sound Publishing might be interested in hiring her as a stringer writer. This way she could make sure that informative and correct information concerning the Navy and other military components would be fully vetted to the public.


After reading Maryon Attwood’s latest letter to the Whidbey News-Times, I thought that maybe Sound Publishing might be interested in hiring her as a stringer writer. This way she could make sure that informative and correct information concerning the Navy and other military components would be fully vetted to the public.

In case she is not aware of what a stringer writer is, it is someone who writes articles and submits them to the paper for publication. If they are accepted, then she is paid for her work. She would be in good company, as Dorothy Neil and Eileen Brown, among others, were in this category. If Ms. Attwood is not familiar with those names or the responsibilities of a stringer writer, a little research in the archives of the local papers would give her some insight.

I believe that Ms. Attwood would then be able to show in concrete format just how the Navy and other military components are hurting Puget Sound. For example, instead of talking about the orcas being harmed, she would just back up her claim with solid background evidence. Another example would be the loss of tourism at the Deception Pass State Park and the decrease in attendance at the park because of the jet noise.

She could explain how in the beginning she was for the closing of OLF Coupeville due to the noise and inherent danger of the Navy jets in her town of Coupeville, but keeping NAS Whidbey open would be beneficial to Whidbey Island.

Last but not least, she could show how she has now reached the conclusion that the Navy and other military components must now leave Puget Sound. I believe this would be a win-win for both the paper and Ms. Attwood.

Jim Pace

Oak Harbor