Mentality ensures nobody wins | Letters

Deja’ vu is the word I would use that best describes the action taken by the petitioners to end the Naval flight operations at Outlying Field Coupeville. As a veteran of Vietnam, I experienced being ordered to remove my uniform before re-entering the continental United States after dark.

Deja’ vu is the word I would use that best describes the action taken by the petitioners to end the Naval flight operations at Outlying Field Coupeville. As a veteran of Vietnam, I experienced being ordered to remove my uniform before re-entering the continental United States after dark.

As one of many veterans during that difficult time period who experienced that exercise on more than one occasion, we were so ordered as to not disturb the protesting vocal native population. At least that was the explanation at the time.

Back then the protesters didn’t want to see the military, today it appears they don’t want to hear the military.

Many of these petitioners appear to be of the age today as would those who protested the war in Vietnam. The only difference today is back then they would not serve in uniform, today they cannot serve in uniform due to age.

So much for hiding behind the forest of U.S. flags and “support the troops” bumper stickers. Some folks can only stay in the closet so long before they put their mouth where their beliefs lie.

Unfortunately the petitioners have crossed the line, which in turn is generating an “us against them” mentality that neither side has any hope of winning. Choice made. Consequences paid.

Thomas Strang