Monson letter shows how great Johnson is | Letter

Editor, After reading Michael Monson’s latest letter to the editor, I felt an overwhelming need to respond.


After reading Michael Monson’s latest letter to the editor, I felt an overwhelming need to respond.

Thank you for finally pointing out that Island County Commissioner Jill Johnson cares more about the welfare of children and families than about a few whiners who knowingly bought property near an airport, and now complain about the noise.

With zero scientific proof of their claims, they are able to write their fiction about the Navy in the paper, and make up anything they want and get attention.

Thank you for pointing out your frustration that Johnson will not listen to such baseless claims.

If these same “activists” cared as much about other humans in our society as they claim, they would put more value on the needs of this community for jobs. Instead, these wealthy, hypocritical, dishonest “activists” give little thought to those who already go hungry in our community.

It shows a complete lack of compassion for those in poverty.

Thank you for pointing out that Jill Johnson is not from the same cloth as you, Michael Monson.

We need politicians like Commissioner Johnson because she cares more about doing what’s right for this community than the self-serving people that make up fiction and say it is a fact.

Terica Taylor

Oak Harbor