Mother Nature not a suspect

For over 20 years a large metal eagle graced the front of our home; a gift from my husband’s parents to mark our return to Oak Harbor after several years.

For over 20 years a large metal eagle graced the front of our home; a gift from my husband’s parents to mark our return to Oak Harbor after several years.

In early October I noticed it was gone. It was securely attached to the brickwork by screws so it was not Mother Nature who removed it.

How sad it makes me feel, and frankly leery, to know that someone came right up and took this part of our home away.

The eagle symbolizes strength and courage. I like to think that whoever “borrowed” it can show those same traits by returning it. Anonymously is fine. We’ll both feel better if you do.

I’d like to look above my garage doors soon and be surprised again, only in a good way. Someone out there has the ability to do that.

Jo Hellmann

Oak Harbor