New septic law, Island Transit, just add to the bleeding

I realize that all communities, states and federal agencies are dealing with economic difficulties. But so are the people of this community, state and nation. As a senior citizen, my husband and I may be feeling the pinch as much as anyone.

In addition to a $62 “filing fee” (or whatever they are calling it) for getting a certificate of compliance for our septic system, which, by the way, costs $216 and will be an annual expense, we are required to pay an increased sales tax for public transit.

I believe that Island Transit is necessary for our community but I also believe that there are no free lunches. If you ride you should pay a fare, even if it’s a minor one.

If we do not stop this bleeding of the taxpayers in order to fund more and more “programs” we will soon find ourselves a gimme nation of wimps and socialists who expect the government to see to their needs.

What happened to guts and hard work, and why don’t we, the people, rise up and expect our governments to use the taxpayers’ money wisely and frugally?

Phyllis Corson
