Not much thought apparent

It appears Commissioner Kelly Emerson (News-Times, May 5) gave as much thought and research to changing her voter’s registration address as she gives to the rest of the county’s business, and now she wants to manipulate the system by having her husband change his registration address and take her place in that endeavor.

It appears Commissioner Kelly Emerson (News-Times, May 5) gave as much thought and research to changing her voter’s registration address as she gives to the rest of the county’s business, and now she wants to manipulate the system by having her husband change his registration address and take her place in that endeavor.

Much as I would love to have voted against her, she needs to understand that the laws for her and her husband are not different from the laws that apply to the rest of us. Shame on her, she gives politicians a bad name.  I hope she at least thanked Ms. Crider for doing her job.

Pat Wallace
Oak Harbor