Nurse, medics, doctor helped after bad fall | Letter

Several months ago, as we were coming out of a supermarket in Oak Harbor, I tripped and fell in the parking lot, hitting my head on a parked car.


Several months ago, as we were coming out of a supermarket in Oak Harbor, I tripped and fell in the parking lot, hitting my head on a parked car.

I was knocked out for a moment.

A nurse on her way into the store stopped to help until the medics arrived to whisk me off to the emergency ward at Whidbey General Hospital.

They took good care of me and my badly broken arm.

The medics who responded, and all of the doctors and nurses at the hospital, were so gentle and kind to me as I was badly shaken and frightened.

Last but not least, Dr. Picco, an orthopedic surgeon, took the best care of my broken arm over the next three months.

Thank you to all of you who were there for me during a trying time in my life.

Marilyn Bennett

Oak Harbo