Just a note to let everyone know that the flags that are displayed throughout Oak Harbor during holidays and special events are not a function of the city, but that of the Oak Harbor Lion’s Club.
The club asks for a donation of $25 per flag for the year, generally one event each month. At present, there are 270 donators and 323 flags displayed each event. Thirteen flags are donated by the Lions Club for city-operated sites, i.e., Senior Center, swimming pool, etc. The majority of the donations come from merchants. Private citizens donate for sites such as the signs welcoming people to Oak Harbor.
All the money raised is returned to the community, less the expense of the poles and flags, to pay for the many programs that we support in the community, such as school programs, scholarships, hospital equipment upkeep, sight and hearing programs, DARE, Camp Horizon (summer camp for the handicapped), Help House, Leader Dogs and other community projects that come up during the year.
We would like to thank the community for their continuing support of all our other projects, such as our fruit sales, White Cane Day, and Christmas tree sales.
If anyone desires to have a flag displayed in their name, please contact Jim Ryan, Flag Project chair, at 279-2802. The Oak Harbor Lions Club address is P.O. BOX 21, Oak Harbor WA 98277.
Brenda Cheaqui
Oak Harbor Lions