The day before yesterday I drove past the Safeway gas station and the price for regular was $3.99. Yesterday morning the price had gone up to $4.06, and by evening it was $4.13. Today it’s higher!
I’m sure all the stations are changing prices at about the same rate; I just happened to pass Safeway a bunch of times. I’m also sure that the station hadn’t been refilled with gas that many times.
What happened to stores purchasing their stock and charging a fair profit? I understand prices going up when new inventory is received at a higher price but like I said, I’m sure the station wasn’t refilled four times in a day-and-a-half.
Is it any wonder that people think this is just a big gouging? The prices climb even on gas that was purchased at a lower price. I hope that’s not what is happening inside the store too.
Randy Emmons
Oak Harbor