Well, it’s happened. Rick Larsen and the rest have stolen $700,000,000,000 from hardworking American middle class. Only Congressman Ron Paul advocates reining in spending and allowing the market to liquidate bad debt.
“We should get out of the way and not buy up bad debt. There’s illiquid assets, but most of those are probably worthless. They’re mostly derivatives. And we’re sticking those with the taxpayer. So we have to recognize that the liquidation of debt is crucial. And if we did that, we would have tough times, there’s no doubt about it, for a year. But if we keep propping a system up that’s not viable, we’re going to have a problem for decades, just like we did in the Depression. That’s what we’re on the verge of doing.”
That was said before it was a done deal. Now we are into the Patriot Act of finances, and there is no hope, since we rejected Paul as president. When will we ever learn? Only God is wise, and those who follow His teachings. Most in government are not any wiser than criminals. Thieves stole our money, it’s gone, never to return.
Scott Vanderlinden
Oak Harbor