Orchestra appreciates warm reception | Letter

If you were at the sold-out concert for The Saratoga Orchestra on Sunday the 18th, you know what a glorious time it was.


If you were at the sold-out concert for The Saratoga Orchestra on Sunday the 18th, you know what a glorious time it was. If you were not, well, you were stuck at home watching another boring football game.

It has been several years since The Saratoga Orchestra has played in Coupeville, but with the reception and applause received on Sunday, we will return.

Spanning music of several hundred years, the orchestra played with a precision and musicality that is rarely heard on this island.

To be successful, two things are needed at a concert. The band … and the audience. You have shown your support for the “arts” on Central Whidbey, and we are grateful. See you at the next concert.

Oh, and that boring game that some of you were stuck with — and turned off before the finish, we won.

Go Hawks.

David Medley

Board of Directors

The Saratoga Orchestra