An open letter to Gov. Chris Gregoire:
Congratulations on being named “Public Official of the Year.” But you still have a lot of work ahead of you!
Nearly seven years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court ignored the popular vote of the people and made a decision that has, directly or indirectly, led to this sad period in our nation’s history. Today finds America mired in the quagmire of a winless war in which we have lost nearly 4,000 troops. The worldwide reputation of our country is at a new low, along with the value of the dollar, and it looks like we might be heading for a recession.
Yesterday’s action by the Washington State Supreme Court to ignore the overwhelming vote of the people and overturn Initiative I-747, could turn out to be another ill-fated decision. There is no question that the onus of both decisions rides on the backs of those who can least afford them.
It is the duty of both the U.S. and the Washington State Supreme Courts to interpret the laws and state and federal constitutions in a manner that reflects the intent of the people. It is not the duty of those courts to make interpretations based upon the whims of the few.
Yesterday’s decision to overturn I-747 may not lead to an all-out war, but, perhaps it is time for the people to rise up and say, “No more!” to those so willing to add to our burdens. Now is the time to step up and use the checks and balances included in our state and federal constitutions. It is high time that the will of the people be respected. We support any efforts to bring this situation to a satisfactory conclusion. Now is definitely the time to use some of your “talent for negotiation.”
Helen Bates
Oak Harbor