Ms. Herrick’s “Soundoff” column (“Students need more support,” April 21) purported to “put forth some more facts.” Here are a…
Well, here we are nearly two years before the next presidential election with more candidates than we can count. The…
Aggressive pitching, hitting notches third win
As a part-time school bus driver for 14 years I’ve had the privilege of meeting most of the high school…
As much as many of us would like to see the United States withdraw all its troops from Iraq, the…
My husband, my son, and a friend went to the movie theater this last Friday night. My husband needed to…
I saw something today that upset me. I was in Coupeville about 1:30 p.m. to see one of the very…
The Oak Harbor High School Culinary Arts Team thanks their community for the overwhelming support recently demonstrated in sending us…
April has just passed us by; April is Child Abuse and Neglect Awareness Month. Many of us who are “mandatory…
Whidbey Audubon’s recent “Farming for Wildlife” presentation by Kevin Morse of the Nature Conservancy was very informative and encouraging. Mr….
I read with interest the May 9 article, “Fingers Point at Lack of Progress.” Hasn’t anybody in our city’s leadership…
Thank you for writing this nice piece (News-Times, May 16) about the memorial for my father and his partner. It…
All Hail, Gregoire the Great! Ruler of the land of SAYWA! She cometh toward power doubtfully at first with two…