The article in the March 7 Whidbey News-Times, “Clearing the way,” is nothing short of ridiculous. First, what historic views…
I have spoken with parents and teachers about the closure of Clover Valley. No one sees the logic of school…
I wonder how many people in Oak Harbor are aware of the number of male teachers and school district employees…
In response to your March 7 editorial, “Keep a lid on rate hikes,” I was especially intrigued by these sentences:…
In the March 14 Whidbey News-Times editorial, the editor stated, “It should be easier to fire a teacher . ….
The American Red Cross Island County Chapter would like to thank the many local businesses who supported this year’s Real…
Every once in a while you get news that really knocks the wind right out of you. That was the…
Thanks very much for the front page coverage March 10 (Sheriff cracks down” and “Whidbey roads claim a dozen”) of…
I read with no small surprise Clay Miller’s summary of the growing protests and disillusionment to the quagmire that is…
In reference to the March 3 article on turbines at Deception Pass. I had previously sent you several letters on…
If the information that I read today is correct, then I would like to give you my opinion as a…
In the March 7 edition of the Whidbey News-Times, Rick Schulte, superintendent of Oak Harbor public schools, is quoted as…
Ron Paul, who is the only constitutional Republican and a presidential contender, has this to say: Yes, Saddam Hussein is…