We initiated a preemptive war when we invaded Iraq, allegedly to destroy the regime in power and its weapons of…
I want to save the trees. I don’t want people to cut many trees. The animals need homes and they…
Your reporter, Paul Boring, did a good job of reporting Lt. Watada’s speaking engagement here, but your editorial assignment of…
It seems that everytime I come into Oak Harbor there are more trees cut down to make room for building…
We need to be involved in political life. We are in control of our laws and policies by electing representatives…
Have you been in our Oak Harbor post office on a weekend lately and seen the mess left on the…
In the article, “Coupeville supports Watada,” (News-Times, Jan. 17) I love the way Paul Boring, staff writer, lumps everyone who…
Having read numerous comments in this newspaper regarding Lt. Watada’s anti-Iraq war presentation in Coupeville, I feel compelled to offer…
I finally figured out why my property taxes went up so much. Island County had to raise them to pay…
I am a friend of Chris Gomes and could not have said it better (Letters, Jan. 20). I spent 20…
Without question, Chris Gomes’ situation is worthy of sympathy, and I’m sure all the readers of his Jan. 20 letter…
Why is it when a car crashes or someone gets drunk and speeds everyone compares it to Raymond Prokop? Once…
I am disappointed at the Whidbey News-Times’ decision to run a lengthy feature on Mr. Watada. While his appearance in…