Paul Boring did a good job of covering Lt. Watada’s appearance in Coupeville. I have little to add to his…
I’m not sure 100 people at a Recreation Center reflect the opinions of “Coupeville,” but it does concern me as…
The article titled “Won’t fight in Iraq” begins by trying to portray Lt. Watada as some kind of hero, saying…
I feel that many people are so focused on tearing down whatever administration or political party or ideology they disagree…
This man, Ehren Watada, is a coward (News-Times, Jan. 17). My son is currently in Army boot camp and if…
It is sad to see that so many poultry farms are no longer in business on Whidbey. If they were…
Greg Banks (News-Times, Jan. 13) is quoted as saying, “I expect the loyalty of my deputy prosecutors, and I’m entitled…
It appears you overlooked the fact the election was over Nov. 7, but you continue to print biased articles about…
Thank you to Island County commissioners Mac McDowell, Bill Byrd and Mike Shelton for their support of the Children’s Commission…
With all the letters that I have been reading about the storms and PSE and such I would like to…
In reply to “We’re watching Barbara Bailey” (Letters, Jan. 6): I don’t think I’ve ever read anything as narrow minded…
North Whidbey Help House, which was chartered on July 7, 1977, is the food bank that feeds those in need…
I would like to comment on the issue of illegal dumping on Whidbey Island, and the response of the Sheriff’s…