Parking unsafe at any speed

I recently made a trip downtown and was boxed in by a SUV on my right and a pickup with a canopy on my left. As I was trying to back out of my parking space two cars went behind me traveling between 25 and 30 miles per hour. Then a pickup and trailer went by. I could not see any of them until they were right behind me.

I recently made a trip downtown and was boxed in by a SUV on my right and a pickup with a canopy on my left. As I was trying to back out of my parking space two cars went behind me traveling between 25 and 30 miles per hour. Then a pickup and trailer went by. I could not see any of them until they were right behind me.

Earlier, I considered attending a city council meeting to discuss this subject. I discarded the idea after reading reports in this paper that anyone with a dissenting thought on the project was summarily dismissed. A  member of the business community was told by a council member to “go back to school and take Business 101 and you will understand why this is a good idea.” The city council chose to ignore, or failed to consider, the safety aspects of what they were doing: A serious dereliction of duty, in my opinion.

I would like to make another point. It seems as though the people in Oak Harbor city government are unable to think. I believe this because of the tremendous amount of money they have spent on consultants year after year.

Melvin Beck
ak Harbor