Pay forward those acts of kindness | Letter

I had a routine test scheduled at Whidbey General Hospital this past Tuesday. I received excellent service and everything should have gone well.


I had a routine test scheduled at Whidbey General Hospital this past Tuesday. I received excellent service and everything should have gone well.

However, even the best planned event sometimes meets with the unexpected. I had locked my keys in my car and then found my cell phone had disappeared.

This is where the saying, “people went the extra mile” to help rescue me, says it all.

I would like to say “thank you” to each person, some personnel with the hospital, some people who were there to use the services, who stepped forward and helped. The man who had come to work at the reception desk, security man who worked at the hospital as well, another man who brought his wife there, the ladies who worked in the gift department and ladies who worked in the radiology department.

Each of them did their job well, were friendly, helpful and went the extra mile to help me when what started as a routine normal day became an extremely bad day.

Yes, there are good people in this world.

Please pay it forward to another person in need and perhaps you will remember someone has helped you in the past and find you are being repaid in the future even if you don’t know when or how.

Thank you, each and everyone, for your kindness and help in making a day started good for me then went downhill get turned up and become much better. Keep strong and be kind to someone else who might need your kindness in the future.

Martha Yount

Oak Harbor