We would like to get the word out in regards to the development of an Island County Chapter of People First. People First is a private nonprofit self advocacy group for people with developmental disabilities. We also provide support and advocacy for their families and caregivers.
Our goal is to Educate, Advocate and Celebrate. People First members elect and serve on the board and facilitate the meeting with the assistance of the advisors. They determine what will be discussed, who they would like for guest speakers, and what the social gatherings will be like.
We are well on our way. We have our board members and advisors in place, and a permanent meeting place beginning in September for our meetings and dances at the Grace Community Church. They have generously donated the meeting space and a band that will play at our monthly social events.
Our next meeting will be held at the Oak Harbor Library Room 137, on Aug. 11 at 6:30 p.m. We will also be having a barbecue at City Beach on Aug. 14 from 1 to 3 p.m. The public is welcome to come and meet us and find out what we are all about. We have already received a few generous donations from some local businesses.
We can be contacted at peoplefirstofislandcounty@gmail.com or we can be found on Facebook.
Rebecca Peterson
Advisor for People First