Push our reps to end this ongoing war | Letter

Many Americans believe that members of Congress want to micromanage peace while they put war on autopilot.


Many Americans believe that members of Congress want to micromanage peace while they put war on autopilot.

Forty-seven Senate Republicans recently signed a letter to President Barack Obama that is essentially an attempt to torpedo diplomacy with Iran, yet both Republicans and Democrats have abdicated their Constitutional authority on matters of declaration of war.

Congress has failed to debate or vote on the ongoing war against ISIS. The Constitution clearly states that only Congress has the mandate to authorize war, yet Obama has been using the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force as his “cover” to wage his current war.

I urge you to contact Rep. Rick Larsen and Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell and ask them, “Are you in favor of perpetual war? Is Congress going to exercise its oversight on war? Or is Congress going to continue to leave it to the Executive Branch to wage war contrary to the Constitution?”

Tell Congress they must repeal, and not replace, the AUMF that was passed just after 9/11.

For 14 years, two presidents — Bush and Obama — have used AUMF to justify endless war. AUMF has allowed Congress to abdicate its Constitutional role to legislate wars.

Let’s close this chapter in American history.

Micki Jackson
