Rather hear American jets than Korean ones | Letters

Your front page article making heros out of the anti OLF group was pretty disgusting. First, what percentage of these whiners were living there prior to the date Whidbey Island Naval Air Station came to our island? If the field was there when they moved in, then they have no right to complain except to themselves for picking the wrong place for people like themselves to live. Second, if these folks drive Whidbey Island Naval Air Station from our island by depriving it of the ability to carry out it’s assigned mission, are they then prepared to make those of us who lose our jobs, our businesses, or our tenants, whole from the loss they create?


Your front page article making heros out of the anti OLF group was pretty disgusting.

First, what percentage of these whiners were living there prior to the date Whidbey Island Naval Air Station came to our island? If the field was there when they moved in, then they have no right to complain except to themselves for picking the wrong place for people like themselves to live.

Second, if these folks drive Whidbey Island Naval Air Station from our island by depriving it of the ability to carry out it’s assigned mission, are they then prepared to make those of us who lose our jobs, our businesses, or our tenants, whole from the loss they create?

Remember NAS Whidbey brings between 5,000-6,000 jobs to our island plus all the local small businesses and their employees who depend completely on the economy created by NAS Whidbey.

I suggest their group better buy a very huge liability insurance policy to cover us from this risk before they proceed to try to kill NAS Whidbey. By the way, I work beneath the flight path to NAS Whidbey’s main field, and I pick listening to the sound of our jets training over the sound of Iranian or North Korean jets overhead anytime.

Reg White
Oak Harbor