Resolving to create a ‘collaborative’ 2014 | Letters

Editor, This letter is regarding a confrontation that was originally sold as a conversation between a Coupeville resident and I at the Tuesday Navy EIS scoping. Although the Coupeville resident, I believe, acted like a bully, alleged I wanted “a war machine everywhere I go,” and brought up my bullied childhood, I sincerely apologize to the Coupeville town marshal for my angry outburst.


This letter is regarding a confrontation that was originally sold as a conversation between a Coupeville resident and I at the Tuesday Navy EIS scoping.

Although the Coupeville resident, I believe, acted like a bully, alleged I wanted “a war machine everywhere I go,” and brought up my bullied childhood, I sincerely apologize to the Coupeville town marshal for my angry outburst.

That said, I question how I was labeled the “disturbance” when I was the one who answered a neutral question, civilly, only to be subsequently bullied while a town marshal was close by.

Though Navy EIS staffers subsequently informed me they too were personally attacked by Coupeville attendees, I want to believe the general anti-Navy tone displayed that night is not reflective of Coupeville.

With OLF Coupeville flight ops restarting, my new year’s resolution is for a magnanimous, collaborative tone in 2014 to advocate for resolving OLF Coupeville’s underlying issues as a Navy Leaguer.

Joe Kunzler
