‘Rights’ want only power

If tax breaks for corporations and the wealthy created jobs, everyone would have a job by now. Tax and spend? Republicans have been borrowing and spending for decades including two wars we didn’t need, costing us taxpayers over a trillion dollars so far.

If tax breaks for corporations and the wealthy created jobs, everyone would have a job by now.

Tax and spend? Republicans have been borrowing and spending for decades including two wars we didn’t need, costing us taxpayers over a trillion dollars so far.

No problem building roads and schools for Afghanistan or Iraq, but we can’t do the same for our own country. Oh yeah, if we did that we might put people to work, the economy might improve and (“Oh no!”) President Obama might be re-elected. Politics and power over improving our economy is what the “rights” want.

Something I heard recently: “Rich people (familiar with the Koch brothers?) and corporations pay FOX ‘News’ to convince the middle class that poor people are to blame for our troubles.” Get it?

Wake up, middle class! You’re being lied to by the right wing, and manipulated.

Carol Tanner

Oak Harbor