Septic rules simply overkill

A short time ago, Mr. Johnson wrote regarding the new septic system regulations voted on and put into effect by our so-called representative commissioners. It would seem none of these commissioners are on septic systems or these overkill, dictatorial regulations would probably not be so utterly unrealistic.

From all that is known, it appears they are using a 10 pound sledge hammer to kill an ant, or keep the whole class in for the acts of a few. This is not unusual action for elected officials. Look at the ridiculous property tax assessment increases recently done under the direction of a retiring assessor!

It would seem wise for the commissioners to review these regulations and think about the real hardship they are placing on many property owners who are doing everything they can to barely hang on. If the commissioners don’t care then maybe it is time for the voters to consider a recall action against all three!

Bill Gallagher
