One thing about the county budget situation, it has given your readers some insight to the blind, the clairvoyant, and the not-so-honest characters in the news.
Of course no one wants to see a complete dissolution of the sheriff’s office, but consider some of the management practices, threats and scare tactics of the sheriff and his (blind?) supporters.
Sheriff Brown permitted his employees to work four 10-hour days a week, which was tantamount to giving them a significant raise during a time when his budget was in peril. And then the sheriff complains when his budget is cut like other county departments. Give me a break!
Let’s not all get teary-eyed about law enforcement. Let’s not be afraid about them not arriving instantly or about them making a quota (yes, it is a quota Brown has asked for). They were hired to do a job to the best of their ability and most of the deputies probably do their best, but the leadership in the sheriff’s department leaves a lot to be desired.
I hope Sheriff Brown doesn’t continue to hurt the taxpayers of Whidbey with his not-so-clever fiscal tactics. I’m looking forward to voting against Sheriff Brown. I hope the News-Times will keep us informed on any future improprieties in county government.
Jerry Mercer
Oak Harbor