State should give us a break

We work for the state. We’re here to help (and spend your money).

Hills and curves give a road character and make it interesting to drive. Instead of straightening and lowering Highway 20 into a Clinton Ferry Freeway, the DOT could be using resources to give us a quicker way through the south end of Oak Harbor.

And, the Island Grill building is going, going, gone. I thought that Washington State Parks bought this building for conversion into Deception Pass State Park offices. Well, the perfectly usable structure is being razed. Evidently, your tax dollars and ours will be used to build a grand, new building from scratch.

Another lame idea from the state: Trimming or cutting perfectly healthy trees surrounding the Deception Pass bridges to improve tourist vistas. Given time, Mother Nature will handle this assignment free of charge.

Give us a break.

Gary and JoAnne Blevins

Oak Harbor