I read the letter to editor concerning the paving projects in Burlington and south of Oak Harbor and the article which came out right after that explaining the reason why paving was delayed, concerning nesting bald eagles near the road project south Of Oak Harbor.
OK, I understand the eagle situation and the delay, but what I find wrong with the situation is that if the eagles nest is near the Rolling Hills paving site then why couldn’t the road crews pave the road project at State Route 20 and Swantown Road site, or is there another eagles nest at that location as well?
Also if there was so much concern over disturbing the eagles then why was the road crew able to pave the Deception Pass State Route 20 site when there are two eagles nests located in that area (one at the Deception Pass bridge, and the other on Goose Rock right behind the new park building). Maybe it was a “stealth” paver that the crew was using?
If so better get that stealth paver and crew to pave the roads south of Oak Harbor and alleviate the broken vehicle suspensions and drivers’ backs from all the bumps, holes and other hazards that have been plaguing us drivers for the past year.
Vern Conover
Oak Harbor