Takes issue with characterizations | Letter

Rick Abraham’s letter includes misstatements regarding my service on a task force several years ago. Nine of us were appointed by the Coupeville Port Commissioners to study the management of the Greenbank Farm. We were to submit our conclusions in one report to the port commissioners.


Rick Abraham’s letter includes misstatements regarding my service on a task force several years ago.  Nine of us were appointed by the Coupeville Port Commissioners to study the management of the Greenbank Farm. We were to submit our conclusions in one report to the port commissioners.

During the process of gathering information for this report, I became aware of issues that might have affected me professionally. My legal counsel recommended I resign from the task force and he reminded me that any information I had gained during my service to the task force belonged to the task force and was not mine to disclose.

I conferred with the other members at the time of my resignation.

My letter of resignation consisted of four sentences only, stating the fact of my resignation and thanking the Port for the opportunity to serve. None of the language Mr. Abraham attributes to me was included. I respected my duty of confidentiality to the other members of the task force, including Mr. Abraham. In many of my dealings in business and with Whidbey General Hospital, I have two duties, both legally defined: transparency and confidentiality.

I serve both as required.

Georgia Gardner, CPA

Hospital Commissioner, District No. 2