The pot is calling the kettle black | Letter

Editor, The pot is calling the kettle black. The people of Ebey’s Reserve are complaining about the Navy spending a few bucks to entertain the dependents of men and women returning from deployment.


The pot is calling the kettle black.

The people of Ebey’s Reserve are complaining about the Navy spending a few bucks to entertain the dependents of men and women returning from deployment.

Well, let me remind you of some $150,000 worth of log guard rails that you imported from New York to install out between San de Fuca and Coupeville. Did you notice that the highway is lined with logs, or that Washington is the Evergreen State.

Probably not, as you had to go to New York to find logs to build a guard rail with.

The standard metal guard rails were around $43,000. So if you’re going to cast stones, make sure you’re not in a glass house.

Randy McClaskey

Oak Harbor