This old house’s end is upsetting

I have never written a letter to the editor, but after reading the article about the “Vaughn” house in Coupeville, I felt compelled to put in my two cents.

It is sad that the house had to be torn down; it was run down, but a cute old home. It was part of the view out of my living room window for the last 14 years.

I have to admit, although I live and work in Coupeville, raised my girls here and have many friends here, I do not have my ear to the pulse of Coupeville. I don’t attend town meetings, I find out what is going on through the “grapevine.” So now I just have to say that it is upsetting that the “town officials” did not know the house was a historic home. It is upsetting the Design Review Board OK’d the demolition. It is upsetting that the beautiful piece of land behind that house is being dug up to build more houses, and I can only hope that the house that replaces the old Vaughn home is not a garish view stealing home like the neighboring house behind it.

L. Black
