Kudos to Laura Guido for her balanced article on the Oak Harbor High School student walkout. And kudos to those who had the grace and good sense to honor the 17 students shot down in Florida. Seventeen minutes seems little enough to make up in one school day.
As a retired public school teacher/administrator, it is heartening to see students so actively involved in such positive action. Sadly, some adults quoted seemed to forget that this is how this great country of ours was formed.
Where would we be today if it were not for our forefathers and mothers who bravely stood up and said, “Enough is enough!” to a monarch?
Instead of speaking up against the actions of these students, we should all be proud of each and every one of them who had the courage to be a part of this nationwide movement.
After all, Amendment I of The Constitution of the United States guarantees “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” This is what our country is all about. And the last I heard students are people.
It is humbling and, at the same time, gratifying, to know that we, the older generation, are leaving this wonderful and conflicted country in the such capable hands.
Instead of berating the students, we should be encouraging more of them to stand up and take an active participatory role in our government. Talk is cheap.
To the students who have spoken out already, more power to you. Keep up the good work.
Those who have lost their lives for our nation in so many ways do not deserve less.
All the students who have been killed in senseless school shootings do not deserve less.
Helen Bates
Oak Harbor