Tracking our moral compass

Almost every decision made by a person is a conscious decision. I would say these decisions are based on their moral compass. Without a moral compass those decisions become blind decisions, turning the person into an animal of impulse instead of a person of good reason. My question is what, or who, is this moral compass?

Almost every decision made by a person is a conscious decision. I would say these decisions are based on their moral compass. Without a moral compass those decisions become blind decisions, turning the person into an animal of impulse instead of a person of good reason. My question is what, or who, is this moral compass?

In today’s world we’re taught that every decision is relevant to a belief system of relativity. I believe relativity clouds our moral compass, because our moral compass is based on a hard truth and not a relative decision that says what you believe to be true is true. How then are relative decisions true when the definition of truth states that it is a “conformity to fact or actuality” or “sincerity; honesty.” One must ask themselves, how can everyone have a different fact to a truth, unless there is dishonesty? This would mean that decisions based on relative thought are not the truth.

So, where does our moral compass come from? How is it that most people have a moral compass inside, one that tells right from wrong? That’s not relative thought, is it? Everyone knows it is wrong to murder, steal or hurt someone else. Did evolution evolve mankind into having a moral compass based on societal beliefs? How then do various societies have such similar core beliefs?

Where does this morale compass come from? Why is it seemingly instilled in every person? I believe the decision belongs to each individual. Is our society going to be filled with people who make animal impulse decisions or people who make decisions in good reason? Who are you going to decide to be? Only you and your god know.

William Neighbors
