All who love salmon and orcas please read this, because they are imperiled. They need our help because they don’t have a voice in county government. We have the best government on earth. Yet if we do not exercise our voice on behalf of endangered species the government assumes that it isn’t important to us.
Our Island County commissioners want to do the right thing. They just need to hear from more of us, more often. Currently only 2 percent of our 212 miles of shoreline is protected.
This makes no sense. Do we want to effectively limit salmon enhancement and restoration projects to only those creeks and estuaries that already have salmon? Urge our Island County commissioners to support local efforts to bring the salmon and orca back. Your favorite salmon fisherman and marine wildlife enthusiast will thank you. The rest of us will enjoy the clean water. Write your commissioner: P.O. Box 5000, Coupeville, WA 98037. Driving directions: 679-7339.
For more information on salmon visit or just use a search engine and google salmon estuary and Whidbey.
GayLynn Beighton
Oak Harbor