Vote against the ‘homosexual agenda’

This November, the citizens will get a chance to vote on Referendum 71. It is worded in such a way that many might not understand the vote. The vote is to either accept the law passed by the Legislature, or to reject the law. A yes vote means you accept the homosexual agenda, which will cost our state millions of dollars when we are already looking at over a $1 billion shortfall by the time the next session starts in January.

This November, the citizens will get a chance to vote on Referendum 71. It is worded in such a way that many might not understand the vote. The vote is to either accept the law passed by the Legislature, or to reject the law. A yes vote means you accept the homosexual agenda, which will cost our state millions of dollars when we are already looking at over a $1 billion shortfall by the time the next session starts in January. A no vote means you reject the homosexual agenda.

For many years, we have seen the homosexual lobby try to get their agenda across through any means possible. By legislative means by passing laws and by attempting to change the minds of the children of each state through pro-homosexual teaching and programs, by requiring it in sex education, bullying prevention and health classes.

They started by taking a page from Orwell’s book “1984” by attempting to change the meaning of words to the opposite of the original meaning, or newspeak. The term “gay” was perverted to represent their lifestyle instead of its original meaning of being happy and carefree.

I urge all voters to look through history and see what marriage has always meant, a union between a man and a woman. Then reject the homosexual activists’ agenda and vote no on Referendum 71.

Some people will tell me I have homophobia or I am a hatemonger. I neither fear nor do I hate homosexuals, I just do not approve of their lifestyle in the same way I do not approve of a career criminal’s lifestyle. I uphold the Judeo/Christian values that this country was founded upon. So again I urge you to vote no on Referendum 71

Joseph Moreland

Oak Harbor