We all must obey the law

Ms. Longworth (Letters, June 2, “Military spouse ticket unfair?”), I would recommend that you do your research on the laws in the state of Washington and that you get to know those who serve on your local law enforcement teams before you accuse them of targeting our military.

First of all, the law states you must have current tabs on your vehicle. This law doesn’t state unless you or your spouse are serving in the military out of the country. The law is for every citizen, whether you are from Texas or any other state. With the threat to Homeland Security, which I am sure you can appreciate as a spouse or friend of a service member, random license plate checks are vital to the safety of our country and routine in everyday police work.

Secondly, a majority of the law enforcement officers you unfairly attacked in your letter have served our country in the military prior to entering a second career in law enforcement. These men and women have put their lives on the line in the military service and now put their lives on the line for you everyday here on U.S. soil.

My recommendation to you is to stop blaming other people for your own ignorance. Study up on the law and get to know your local law enforcement officers. They will be more than happy to share their military experience and the RCWs with you. Just ask.

From: Proud wife of an Island County Deputy and a retired Navy Petty Officer.

Deidre Davison

Oak Harbor