We don’t need more restaurants

In regards to the article of the old Copeland Lumber yard being torn down, I say its about time, it was an eyesore for years. As far as the new development goes, just what Oak Harbor needs is two new restaurants. Is this ever going to stop? This city can’t support the ones it already has.

At last count there are over 70 restaurants, including fast food, listed in the Oak Harbor area. You have to agree that is just insane. This island, much less Oak Harbor, doesn’t need two more restaurants.

I really think the city needs to put a halt to restaurant building in the city. I am sure it’s only to collect taxes on these places, they don’t care if the place is successful or not. And they’re going to put two restaurants right next to a health club and gym? Gee, that makes sense!

I have worked in restaurants around town and most of them are empty or near empty during the day, especially between 2 and 6 p.m. I would be willing to bet that there are more restaurants both full service and fast food per capita than anywhere else in the country. It’s ridiculous!

While I am all for development and improving our city, it doesn’t need more places to eat. A word to the developer, you won’t last more than a year.

Eric Baum, local chef

Oak Harbor