What are guidelines that define ‘art’? | Letter

Having viewed the front page of your Feb. 21, 2015, edition, “Kraken Released” puts me at a loss to understand the standards used to classify something as “art.”


Having viewed the front page of your Feb. 21, 2015, edition, “Kraken Released” puts me at a loss to understand the standards used to classify something as “art.”

If I took a piece of a two-by-four lumber and hammered a large nail in it and said I was trying to “Drive a point home,” would the city pay me $33,000 and put it on display as “art”?

Just what is “art”? Is there a written directive that provides guidelines to what is “art”?

If the city is going to blow my tax money, I would like to know the guidelines by which my tax dollars are used. I see road repair, utility workers out clearing power lines and police controlling traffic, and I understand how my tax dollars are being put to use. But I do not see how my tax money is helping the city when used on a kraken.

I’ve had a lot of people say I am not very smart, and I guess this proves their point.

Robert D. Brown

Oak Harbor