Why are taxpayers funding swim team? | Letters

Editor, North Whidbey Aquatic Club is the only North Whidbey youth athletic team with a fullsalaried coach funded by the taxpayers. The pool board seems to understand that the subsidy they give to their NWAC and masters family members and friends is only about 30 percent of the $40-$60 each property owner is assessed for the North Whidbey park and recreation tax levy.


North Whidbey Aquatic Club is the only North Whidbey youth athletic team with a fullsalaried coach funded by the taxpayers.

The pool board seems to understand that the subsidy they give to their NWAC and masters family members and friends is only about 30 percent of the $40-$60 each property owner is assessed for the North Whidbey park and recreation tax levy.

This $15-$20 a year relative to the total annual individuals real estate tax seems insignificant.

So I guess that is why the board can get away with subsidizing themselves and family members from tax- payer funds without arousing pubic ire. But, if you realize this subsidy of about $60,000 a year for coaching goes to only about 100 participants, the subsidy is about $600 for each participant.

Why are the swim team participants more of a “benefit to the community,” as members of the pool board seem to feel, than all the other youth athletic teams that are fully funded by their parents?

Richard Fort

Oak Harbor