Why pay more for recycling in Island County | Letters

I already recycle and have done so since I moved here. I do it for a few reasons, one of which is to keep my trash bill low. Curbside recycling, let’s see here; I can pay $11 more a month for a service I neither need nor want and I’ll still have to take my glass to the recycle center.

I already recycle and have done so since I moved here. I do it for a few reasons, one of which is to keep my trash bill low.

Curbside recycling, let’s see here; I can pay $11 more a month for a service I neither need nor want and I’ll still have to take my glass to the recycle center.

Sounds like a good deal to me. I wonder if anyone else out there is in the same or a similar boat?

Thanks Angie, watch out for the doorknob on your way out.

Edward Kendall
Oak Harbor