I would like to ask the Obama administration why have you granted over 1,400 waivers to this program? If Obamacare is so good, why are you allowing so many companies to opt out and receive waivers?
It also appears that the majority of these waivers are going to Democratic districts and organizations who lobbied in favor of the overhaul of our health care system, as in the case of 204 waivers being approved in April and 38 just to businesses in Nancy Pelosi’s district alone. These are one year exemptions from the new coverage requirements that are included in the health care reform law that was enacted last year.
I know the deadline to apply for a waiver is fast approaching, (Sept. 22) and after that date no new waivers will be accepted. This could force more insurance companies to increase their premiums or plan to shut down. Either way, this will impact all of us and will leave more of us uninsured.
So, why are there waivers only to a select few while we, the middle class, continue to pay through the nose?
I am glad the lower courts have ruled that it is unconstitutional for the government to force us to buy health care insurance but that is the only protection we have been offered.
To allow companies and individuals to get waivers before the plan even takes effect just reeks of politics as usual. This is not the change I was hoping for.
Joel Harmon
Oak Harbor