Every now and then I read in your delightful newspaper that the city council plans to widen Pioneer Way “downtown.” I seldom drive through “downtown” but every time I do I can’t help recalling the many widening promises. There are two traffic lanes, two parking lanes, and two sidewalks.
Now my question is a simple one – what’s going to be removed during the widening process to yield more room in Pioneer Way “downtown”?
Frankly, I think this whole discussion about widening Pioneer Way is silly. There ain’t no room. Perhaps the city council can explain exactly what they have in mind – if anything. Maybe more money in taxes.
Maybe they plan to simply make the street one way. That would be handy, because then there will be no street convenient to come back the other way.
Or plant a Garry oak in the middle of Pioneer Way “downtown.” With a one way street leading up to it from either side.
Where did that expensive consultant go to anyway? Surely he had an inane idea. Or maybe we could just rename Pioneer Way “downtown” and forget the rest of it.
John Q. Adams
Oak Harbor