Will forgive, and pray for, church vandals | Letter

This is an open letter to those who vandalized Oak Harbor Lutheran Church: You asked us to pray for you. It was a surprising request, scrawled in spray paint amidst profanities and cryptic remarks.


This is an open letter to those who vandalized Oak Harbor Lutheran Church:

You asked us to pray for you. It was a surprising request, scrawled in spray paint amidst profanities and cryptic remarks.

I am writing to let you know, however, that we will.

You see, as angry and violated as many of our members feel about what you have done, we understand very well how the longing for God can bubble up in the midst of our own brokenness.

We’ve been there. We are there. Like you, we are broken people. We might not act out in the same way as you have done, but there are plenty of things we have done, or left undone, that come out of that same brokenness.

We confess this truth about ourselves just about every Sunday.

So, we understand. And we will indeed pray for you.

If you choose to confess to what you have done — which would be the noble thing to do — or if you are caught, you will be held accountable for the laws you have broken.

Our actions have consequences, and God works through earthly law to preserve and protect the conditions in which communities can flourish — including the protection of the property of others.

However, as Christians, we at Oak Harbor Lutheran also believe in the law of love, the law of forgiving others as we have been forgiven. And so, we forgive you.

We let go of our right to be angry with you, and hope you will learn from this experience to build up your community rather than deface it.

One more thing: Next time you are overcome by rage or pain or boredom, rather than vandalizing a church, please consider going inside one. You will find that we have much in common.

We can share with you how we’ve found forgiveness, healing, hope and meaning in our lives in the midst of our own brokenness.

We will certainly pray for you, but we would rather pray with you.

Pastor Jeffrey R. Spencer

Oak Harbor Lutheran Church