Both Coupeville High School and South Whidbey High School held memorable and joyous outdoor graduation ceremonies Saturday. In the above photo, parent Dina Guay honors graduates, from left: Timothy Nitta, Ryan Blouin, Michael Robinett, Quinten Simpson-Pilgrim, Logan Downes (bowing), Zane Oldenstadt (behind her arm), William Smith (half-face), Cole White (sunglasses) and Nicholas Guay (heavily adorned with after-grad bling). (Photo by Jackie Saia)
Timothy Nitta, at left, poses with Michael Robinett, who is wearing a crown of cash. (Photo by Bailey)
Nicholas Guay flexes after receiving his diploma. (Photo by Bailey Thule)
Bee Armstrong stands in graduation bliss with Kayla Arnold. (Photo by Bailey Thule)
Photo by David Welton
From left, Maddox Smith-Heacox, Cole Thorsen, Nolan Pearson, Chase Larson, Elias Sullivan, Josephine Chia and Priscilla Gori-Lopez performed at graduation.
Photo by David Welton
Sophia Patrin, left, and Audrey Gmerek walk down the aisle together.
Photo by David Welton
Family members hold signs of Logan Flaherty’s and Xavier Broyles’s faces.
Fans of Michael Robinett (Photo by Bailey Thule)
Reina Reed wields a sword. (Photo by Jackie Saia.)