Chef brews up fermentation class at Tilth

A fermentation expert will address myths and misinformation about the process at an upcoming class.

A fermentation expert will be addressing myths and misinformation about the process at an upcoming class.

Trap Landry is the owner of South End Kitchen, a take-out and catering business operating out of the South Whidbey Tilth kitchen. Before the pandemic, he owned Anthes Ferments in Langley and was the head fermentation officer for South Whidbey business Britt’s Fermented Foods.

He’ll be leading a fermentation workshop at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 6 at the South Whidbey Tilth Kitchen, which is located at 2812 Thompson Road. The class will be held outdoors.

Landry has been fermenting things for over a decade. He will be focusing on wild fermentation, which uses lactic acid bacteria in the process.

He’ll lead a brief demonstration, although most of the class will be dedicated to answering questions from participants. Landry said he is hopeful a mix of people will show up, from beginners to the more advanced.

Landry has taught several classes on fermentation in the past and many of them have had a follow-up class, so participants have time to try fermentation on their own and can work through any issues they may be having. He is considering leading a second class.

Cabbages and cauliflower are traditionally used for fermentation, although there are some other things that can be done. Landry finds fall is the best time to get into the process.

“This time of year for cultures around the world, this is when you put all the cabbages in crocks, whether it’s in Korea or Germany,” he said.

The cost of attending Landry’s class is $5 for Tilth members and $15 for people who are not members. To register, email or leave a message at 360-321-0757.