Coupeville High School is taking on what drama advisor Peg Tennant calls “one of its most controversial pieces to date.”
“Bang Bang You’re Dead” is a one-act play written to raise awareness of school violence and its causes. The plot focuses on Josh, a high school student who murders his parents and five classmates. It is strongly based on the events surrounding Kip Kinkel’s shootings of his parents on May 20, 1998, and 27 of his classmates at Thurston High School in Springfield, Ore., on May 21, 1998.
Coupeville High School Drama will be working in conjunction with Coupeville High School ASB to promote—school and community-wide—the importance of preventing violence, Tennant said. “We will be also working in conjunction with a number of local agencies. Some of these agencies will be available before and after the performance with information and help. We are striving to promote peaceful solutions to otherwise catastrophic circumstances.”
Tennant added that “the goal of peaceful solutions is best served when everyone is included. Toward that end, we have tapped into the artistic talents of local tag artists to create a setting that will enhance the nature and message of the play.”
Islanders are urged to show their support by attending one of the performances. Statistics show that one in every four people will be affected by some sort of violent behavior.
“With this production we hope to raise awareness, recognize warning signs and ultimately prevent violent behavior in our community,” Tennant said.
Performances are March 5, 6, 12 and 13 at 7 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center at Coupeville Middle/High School. Cost is $5 general admission and Coupeville students without an ASB sticker, $3 visiting students with valid current student ID, and it’s free for senior citizens and Coupeville students with an ASB sticker.
Due to the sensitive nature of this production, children under the age of 15 will not be admitted without a parent or guardian.