
Sno-Isle Library manager commutes to work, and advocates for libraries, using Island Transit

Meet Bryan, the Sno-Isle’s Clinton Library Manager and recent transplant from Eastern Washington.

He and his family moved to Whidbey Island less than a year ago and have settled in nicely to the island way of life. Bryan is a seasoned user of public transportation, so he was excited to learn that Island County has its own public transportation system – Island Transit.

“I’m so grateful to have some options to make greener choices for commuting,” he explains. Bryan has now been riding Island Transit to commute to work for more than three months and has been very impressed with the experience so far.

“This transit system is the best I’ve ever used!”

On the days he does commute with Island Transit, Bryan starts his day on the Route 1 bus. The Route 1 bus serves as a lifeline for many residents, connecting them from one end of the island to the other.

Taking the bus is a great way to start your day and allows you to do other things during your commute. Bryan, for example, enjoys being able to read a book on his way to work. He also says riding the bus has been an incredibly beautiful experience.

Watching people connect on the bus through conversation, talking like they’ve known each other for years, really brings to light how much community really matters and the importance of connection.

In addition to sharing his experiences as a rider, Bryan passionately advocates for the Clinton Library, emphasizing the important role the library has in the community.

“We play a vital role in our community. Our amazing staff are here for you to discover new resources or materials to align with your interests,” Bryan expressed.

The library serves as a hub for various resources including free internet access, social service information, and a welcoming space for residents.

Bryan encouraged Island Transit to consider including stops as close as possible to libraries on the islands, reinforcing the symbiotic relations between transit services and community agencies.

As Island Transit continues to evolve, Bryan’s insights serve as valuable input for future route considerations.

It’s important to highlight the collaboration between transit agencies and community institutions, reinforcing the idea that a well-connected transit system contributes not only to efficient commuting but also to the overall well-being of the Island County community.

Island Transit remains committed to providing excellent service and looks forward to continued collaboration with community partners, and folks like Bryan, for a more connected and accessible Island County.

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